Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Canteekkk takkk??? I LIKEEEEE it so much..
3 days class by Lovely Teacher Pn Faridah Ismail at Sugarflour, Bangi. With my gorgeous frenz ENN and SUE, perfect match, and of course K.Shima, all the way from K.T'ganu... lastly new fren from D'sara...
From the bottom of my heart, I am supersatisfied with the class and the result.... TQ gals for guiding and inspired me along the way...


Zarina said...

Fuh.... mcm bunga real. Tak nampak kejung pung..... =D

cik ain | sweet thots said...

cantik sangat lah u. well done! betul ckp zarina, x nmpk kejung pun ;)

dlittlekitchen said...

heheh.. TQ bole laa kot nih, tgh semangat nih.. :-)