The class conducted and the lesson was so good and easy 1 2 3. (I did mention in my previous update). Since my eagerness to try many kinds of ROTI NAIK recipes, I started googling and blogwalking. Yes!! I finally fall in love with the recipe of ROTI NAIK posted by mamafami… well, knowing me, simplify and experiment, that is the mission.. heheheh
Ok, you can find here the original recipe, I actually amending and simplify a bit here and there, try to do it my way. Ok, here you go:
ROTI NAIK Source: Mamafami blogspot (Puan Asmahan Hanim via Nana Samat)
Ingredients :
500g flour (I used high protein flour)
1 egg yolk (grade A) (I used 2 eggs grade B)
180g sugar
2.5g instant dried yeast (I add 5g maurippan)
5g salt (I add)
113g margarine (I used 125g buttercup)
37g ghee (I omit)
1 cup lukewarm water
1 egg + a bit of fresh milk (for egg wash the buns ~ I used low fat milk)
1) Add all ingredients in mixer except butter/margarine
2) Once the dough is just combined, add in margarine, change to medium speed and let her do the job for another 20minutes (or until the dough become elastic)
3) Once you take out from the bowl, the dough should look like this, firm and shine.
4) Divide the dough into small portions. Form each into a ball and arrange on a baking tray. (At this time you may add in the filling e.g. cream cheese, choc chips, etc),
5. Cover the buns and let it rise until double ~ triple in size (we actually finished the activity at 12:30am, since we already half sleep so we cover the buns and climb the bed. Next morning, I woke up at checked the dough, WOW!!! In my amaze, the dough has raised as what I desired.. LOVE IT!!!! I wash the bun with the low fat milk and put in the oven..., can U imagine the lovely smell from the oven early in the morning….. OK!! I am ready for breakfast…nyum nyum nyum)
Brush the buns with some egg wash. (I brush with low fat milk)
7. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200 C 15-20 minutes or until golden brown

Banyaknyer roti.. Mcm sedap, nak try la..
Try la shas... Worth it.. Lps ni nk try roti paung tganu plaks.. But use same method
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