A bit weird huh?
Ini my niece kat UM tu ordered, nk bg BIG SURPRISED to her fren… Quite last minute order, but the themes make me really eager to try... so here it goes.., big thx to thefrostedcakencookie for the idea n step-by-step guide.
To Farah, hope u & ur fren enjoy and Happy Birthday to ur fren, Tira...
wow kyra!
pandainya buat figurine dah!
TQ bel, kena laa slalu practice jari jemari lagi ni, yg org hijau tu mr Rizal buat... the other 2 pumpkin n witch hat tu i buat, ikut guide step by step jer...
hehe.. thanx ciksu!!! i x expect secomel tu.. coz order last minit kan.. ;) i pun surprise jg this morning... ;p
cik farah, u r most welcome.. special made for my special niece….
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