Thursday, June 18, 2009

HAT Cake for Crystal's Birthday

Cake for Crystal's Birthday ni, konon2 buat HAT.. tapi tgk2 balik x macam hat pon, macam topi GERMAN adalah, ataupon topi keledar...hahahha...
tapi pagi2 tadi tanya youngest ahli rumah, "cuba teka, ini cake apa" dia jawab.. alahh "HAT.." pheww.. so ader larr sket bau bau bacang hat tu...
Cake ni maybe lebih mudah kalo buat full fondant, coz i cut in the middle coz nk letak filling, so bila curah steamed buttercream tu dan goyang2 nk bg rata, terus ngn cake2 tu skali bergoyang... aiseh!!! anyway, ini 1st attempt, blajar dari kesilapan... hehehehe (kes pujuk ati sendiri....)
TO Crystal.. Happy Birthday to you, wish you a wonderful moment.....


Zarina said...

ada rupa hat =p

i wonder sampai hati tak bday girl nak cut d cake =p

dlittlekitchen said...

heehhe.. cake dah selamat di korbankan...